booking 2025 studio & outdoor experiences

Cynthia specializes in Lifestyle Photography Toledo. She shoots on location lifestyle and storytelling photography and serves the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits and documentary photo sessions.

A Year of Stories – He Naps

Nap time has been a struggle in our house recently. He tries his best to put off going to sleep. I have caught him playing, reading and sneaking television all while he was supposed to be sleeping. Some days I don’t even try because it is just so much work! Other days, I plan too many activities in the mornings in the hopes that he might rest in the afternoon. Sometimes that works and other times, I find this. Him asleep somewhere late in the day. I never have the heart to wake him so I watch him sleep and hope that bedtime isn’t too much of a struggle.

Lifestyle Photography Toledo toddler napping on couch photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography

A year of stories is a group of photographers who have come together to share a story with their photographs each week. See more of these inspiring images here.

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