Magical moments with santa are here!

Whew!  What a week!!  We started with a fun trip to Ikea and then our favorite fast food place, In-n-Out Burger.  We didn’t go too crazy at Ikea but M saw lots of goodies she wanted and wasn’t shy about letting us know…LOL.  We had a few play dates in between a few sessions during the week.  I think M’s favorite event was going to Extreme Cheer for their open gym.  She keeps talking about doing gymnastics and then proceeds to show me some made up move.  I’m going to let her try out a class this week and see how she does.  Then we ended the week with not one, but two birthday parties.  They were both a blast and M even got her face painted at one.  Can you guess what she was?  I’ll give you a hint, they bark.  🙂

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Northwest Ohio Lifestyle Images


Northwest Ohio Lifestyle Images

Northwest Ohio Lifestyle Images

Northwest Ohio Lifestyle Images

Northwest Ohio Lifestyle Images

Now continue the 365 fun and see what my friend Jodie’s week looked like.

what would you like to do next?

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