Magical moments with santa are here!

I was starting to feel in a black and white rut so I forced myself to process more images in color last week.  Some of the daily images still called to me in monochrome but 4 out of 7 images are in color…YAY!  Last week was a fun week in our house.  We are trying our hand at growing some carrots and cantaloupe (M picked out what we should plant) and we have already started to see some sprouts in our container garden.  We went and explored a new location with a new prop that M loves, an American flag scarf.  I practiced freelensing and this time I figured out how to actually get something in focus instead of just guessing.  Then we went back to the Thinkery.  That place is so much fun!

Toledo Lifestyle Images

toledo family photographer

Toledo Lifestyle Images

Toledo Lifestyle Images

toledo art museum

Toledo Lifestyle Images

Toledo Lifestyle Images

Now don’t forget to check out what my talented friend Jenny’s 365 looked like.

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