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Looking for a Toledo Ohio Family Photographer? Cynthia is an on location lifestyle and storytelling photographer serving the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits and documentary photo sessions.


When you think about your childhood memories, what are the moments that stand out? The late night movies with your parents on the couch or standing on your tippy toes so you could watch your mom make her famous pot roast or digging in the dirt as your dad was busy with yard work on a Saturday afternoon? Our fondest memories are usually the everyday moments.  The moments that seem to be of endless supply but parents know they slip away way too fast.

Toledo Ohio PhotographerToledo Ohio Photographer

Now think about how many photos you have of those moments. If you are lucky, you have an album full that can take you, and everyone looking at them. back to reminiscing about those fun family times. If you are like me, there are just a few images like that, but many posed images taken far from home in a stuffy portrait studio that fill my childhood photo albums.

What photographic stories are you leaving for your children? Do you want your photo albums to match their memories? Do you want a real, authentic and candid record of their childhood? Do you want them to look at a photo and remember how it felt to be with you at that very second in their life?

Toledo Ohio Family PhotographerToledo Ohio Family Photographer

Storytelling photography will do just that. Each image from a storytelling session is like a page in book and when they are put together, the story of you and your family unfolds.  These moments may not seem like much now but soon they will change and you will be glad you have photos of the baby hanging on your leg or you helping brush your little girl’s hair.  The memories we leave behind for them are EVERYTHING!  If you want your memories to say more than cheese, now is the time to document them.

Family Photographer Toledo Ohio

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