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Toledo Zoo Photos

One of the things we love to do as a family is visit the Toledo Zoo. It is a great way to spend time together and learn more about different animals. I think our favorite exhibit is the aquarium. The kids can sit and watch the animals swim past them for hours. There is a lot to love and explore at the zoo so I’m glad we have such a wonderful one in our backyard.


ISO 3200; f 5.6; SS 1/200

Toledo Zoo Photos two kids looking at bubbles photo by cynthia dawson photography

Toledo Zoo Photos two kids looking at bubbles black and white photo by cynthia dawson photography

Before & After

Shooting inside an aquarium is usually tricky. There are weird colors reflecting from the tanks and it can be very dark. This image has a lot of different colors – from the blue of the bubbles to the green in the upper left corner and the golden light on the other side. While I didn’t mind it in color, I knew if I would convert it to black and white those distracting colors would disappear. In adobe camera raw, I ran a preset from Erin Hensley Photography called window light to convert the image to black and white. I love that preset because it is a more contrasty edit. Then, I adjusted the blacks and highlights just a bit and cropped off the bottom. Finally, I used the line of the tank at the bottom to straighten the image. I’m loving it in black and white! How about you?

Want to learn more about photography? Ask Cynthia about her mommarazzi workshops or mentorships.  Use the contact tab for more details.

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