booking 2025 studio & outdoor experiences

Cynthia is an on location lifestyle and storytelling photographer serving the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits and documentary photo sessions.

Toledo Zoo

If you live in Toledo, then you have been to the Toledo Zoo. My husband would tell me stories about visiting this zoo as a child and I know he loves the opportunity to take our little ones now. On this zoo outing, we had spent a lot of time at the indoor exhibits. It was still early spring and quite chilly. When the kids stopped to look at the pelicans, they were in awe of them. I don’t think M had ever seen one up close and she was struck with just how big they were. Jr just stared and stared.


f 4.5; ss 1/500; iso 250

Toledo Zoo girl pointing at pelicans photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography

Before & After

I loved this image from the moment I took it. Standing behind M and getting her point of view made this such a fun image. Her arm pointing at the birds leads your eye to the heart of the image and allows for you to explore it more. This image didn’t need much post processing. In ACR, since this was overexposed, I adjusted that first. Then, I moved the white balance slider down to 5450, it was at 5650. Next, I upped the contrast and shadows to add more depth. Finally, I added just a touch of clarity. Love the pop the after has!

Want to learn more about photography? Join Cynthia for her mommarazzi workshop!

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