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Just wanted to share how I edited this image since a few people asked me about it.  Shooting with one main light source can create real dramatic images.  As I was shooting this I knew it would make a great black and white image.  Here are the steps I took to edit this photo shot in the dark.

My settings for this image were ISO 3200; F2.8; SS 1/200.


First I cropped using the rule of thirds.


Then I flipped the image.  I wanted her gaze to draw the viewer’s eye across the frame from left to right.


Then I converted it to black and white.


There were a few distracting spots in the background and a stray hair that I cloned out.  I also added a little grain.


Final image with a few more taken at the same time.


I hope this encourages you to try shooting in the dark more.  I really love how dramatic it can make an image!

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