Magical moments with santa are here!

I am so excited to be sharing a monthly letter to Myla on the blog.  I sometimes fumble with my words but I hope to use this time to speak to Myla, to give her a little glimpse into what it was like to be her mom and what she was like when she was three.  I hope when she is older she can look back on these letters and photos with a smile.

Dear M,

Words can’t describe how lucky I am to be your mom.  I am going to try though.  You have the best personality.  Lovable and you laugh a lot.  I am lucky that you shower me with “I love yous” all day long.  Your imagination is so vast.  I love the silly games you play, like your obsession with being a puppy dog.   When you are in puppy mode, I can’t call your name.  You bark at me and demand to be called a puppy.  You remind me of your sister.  Whenever I miss her, I look at you and know she is still with us.  She loved you so very much and was so happy to be your big sister.  I really hope you have a few memories of her but if you don’t, I can help you remember her.  You have her eyes and her nose and sometimes your laugh sounds the same.  I am grateful to have a glimpse of what she might have been though you.  I know you miss her but you have the most special angel watching over you.  I am also grateful that you are growing into such a charming little lady.  I look forward to each day I get to watch you grow.



Child photographer bowling green ohioChild photographer bowling green ohio


Now go check out my friend Christy’s letter.

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