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If your walls could talk, what stories would they tell? What moments do you think they would want hold on to?  While we know walls don’t talk, someone in your home probably fills your ear with lots of stories…your children. They will tenderly remember so much about your home and the moments spent inside. They will remember how cozy it felt bundled up with you on the couch and the smell of your cookies in the oven. They will remember the way their feet echoed down the hall and how hard it might have been to push open your bedroom door to loudly say good morning.

Having someone in your home to take photos can give you butterflies in your stomach. Maybe you think your house is too plain or maybe it is too cluttered with toys and that may be true but it is also the place that your children will think back of as they get older.

This is where so many of their memories will be written so of course it make sense to  document them here with an at home photo session. Anywhere inside and around your home will make for a great spot for photos but today I’m sharing 3 of the most common places kids like to hang out that serve a great backdrop for photos and a sweet reminder of this time for them (and you!)

1. Your kids rooms.  The chaos of toys everywhere, the bright colors, the artwork on the walls; all these little details that surround them now will slowly change as your child get older. Kids love to have visitors to their room and show off the things they hold dear in their little corner of your home. Images that include more than just the subject tell the personal story of who they are now and who they might become later.  You already know so much about your child but will you remember what their favorite stuffed animal looked like sitting on their toddler bed or how every corner of their wall was filled with their favorite artwork? What is an everyday visual occurrence today, quickly changes tomorrow and soon their room will grow, just as they will, making this a special room to have on camera.

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2. The Kitchen. The moments shared in the kitchen can be as simple as making a sippy cup for your toddler to preparing a special birthday dinner for your four year old to teaching your eight year old how to wash the dishes. There is a reason people say the kitchen is the “heart of the home”-so much of our life occurs within those walls. Thinking back to my childhood, I can remember every kitchen from every house we lived in and we moved a lot!  How wonderful it would of been to have more photographs of my family actually living in that space.


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3. The Bathroom.  Um, what?  At first glance the bathroom may be an odd choice as a room to take photos in but kids love this room! Think about all those baths you have given them here and the play they get to enjoy in the water.  My kids are like fish when it comes to the bathtub and we literally have to pry them out of the tub when the water has gone cold. The bathroom is also a fun room to document certain phases of your children’s lives; from potty training to playing in momma’s makeup, the moments that unfold in this room can be beautiful.

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Which room in your home would you love to have professional images captured in? Any surprises reading these suggestions?  I want to hear them!

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