booking 2025 studio & outdoor experiences

Are you looking for Child Photography Toledo Ohio? Cynthia is an on location lifestyle and storytelling photographer serving the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits and documentary photo sessions.

I have wanted to freelens in the snow since I saw a few other ladies in this extremely inspiring blog circle do just that.  It can be work to go out in the snow.  We spend twenty minutes to get all bundled just for a few minutes of play but it is so worth it!  The snow fell this day kinda by surprise and I knew watching those flurries come down that this would be the day to cross off my freelens snow session from my photography bucket list (what you don’t have one of those?!?)

Little M was so excited to see what the street behind our house looked like covered in snow. She proudly exclaimed that she wouldn’t need any gloves.  I was a goof to let her venture out without them and I promptly gave her mine when I noticed her little fingers turning red.  It’s amazing how fast your fingers can get cold!  I would say our ten minutes exploring in the snow was just what we needed on this cold winter day.



Child Photography Toledo Ohio

Child Photography Toledo Ohio


toledo ohio child photographer

toledo ohio child photographer

toledo ohio photographer


Be sure to continue the freelensing fun and pop over to Heather Robinson’s blog.  Her images are always jaw-droopingly gorgeous!

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find us on instagram @Cynthia_Dawson_Photography