booking studio & outdoor motherhood experiences

Cynthia is an on location lifestyle and storytelling photographer serving the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits and documentary photo sessions. 

7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject

What is framing? Framing is any element that surrounds your subject. Framing is a great way to bring the viewer’s eye right to your subject. You can usually find elements indoors or outdoors to frame your subject. This is where paying attention to your surroundings can really pay off and propel an image from average to outstanding!

  1. Windows & Doorways – The linear shape of windows and doorways lends to framing beautifully. You just sit back and wait for your subject to cross paths with one of these elements and the result is extraordinary.  When framing with either of these, be sure to step back so you are including the big picture. Framing works best when the eye can follow the framing element so try not to cut off any part of the doorway and window. Also, since these are usually straight lines be sure you are shooting straight on. The slightest little angle from you will make the frame appear crooked. I have to be super mindful of this when including doorways and windows because I tend to always shoot from an odd angle.7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject two kids looking out the window photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography boy in window photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography
  2. Trees – There is so many different ways you can include trees as a framing element. You can have your subject between branches or standing inside a row of trees. You can look for branches that hang down or you can pluck a leaf or two and hold them in front of your camera for foreground framing. Noticing framing naturally in the environment is a great way to add more interest in your compositions.7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject girl eating snow photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography
  3. Architecture – Lines of buildings around you is another great way to use framing. You can step back to include most of the building or come in close looking for a less obvious frame.7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject two kids by old building photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography 7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject boy walking photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography
  4. Shapes – Shapes are all around you and probably something you don’t really pay much attention to but make a wonderful framing element. Look for circles or shapes you can shoot through. There are lots of ways to find shapes in the world around you, you just need to be looking for them.7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject kids bathing in sink photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography 7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject boy inside slide photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography
  5. Light – Using the light as a framing device is one of my favorite ways to draw the eye to my subject. Our eyes are automatically drawn to the brightest part of an image so when your subject is also placed there, the viewer is treated to a visual delight. The best way to accomplish this indoors is to meter for the light and the let the rest of the room fall to shadow. Also, the time of day will affect how the light is falling. Notice how evening light compares to morning light and the shapes it projects in your home.7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject girl sitting by window photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography 7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject girl eating sucker photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography
  6. People – This is a little more unconventional but you can use people as a framing device too! Notice to how their arms wrap around their face or if you peek over their shoulder will that bring you to the subject. Be creative! Your angle will help determine how you use people to frame your subject. 7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject kids walking photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography 7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject girl painting photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography
  7. Clothing or Fabric – Hats, scarves, and other fabrics are great to use for framing as well. They are usually already close to your subject and by tweaking their placement a bit you can really focus on the details of their face. Clothing as a framing device is a fun and unexpected way to draw the viewer into your photograph. 7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject girl in scarf photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography 7 Ways to Use the Environment Around You to Frame Your Subject toddler in hammock photo by Cynthia Dawson Photography

With these tips, you will start to notice more framing devices you can use. Tell me, what is the most unexpected framing device you have used?

Interested in learning more about photography? Ask Cynthia about her mommarazzi workshops or mentorships.  Use the contact tab for more details.

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