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Tag Archives: lifestyle photography in toledo ohio

Toledo Ohio Lifestyle Photographer – Puzzle Building – A Year of Stories

Looking for a Toledo Ohio Lifestyle Photographer? Cynthia is an on location lifestyle and storytelling photographer serving the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits and documentary photo sessions. A Year of Stories – Puzzle Building We used to spend hours and...

Toledo Ohio Lifestyle Photographer – The Christmas Tree Farm

photographer toledo ohio

Looking for a Toledo Ohio Lifestyle Photographer?  Cynthia is an on location lifestyle and storytelling photographer serving the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits and documentary photo sessions.    There is nothing like a real Christmas tree.  The smell engulfs...

Toledo Ohio Lifestyle Photography – 100 summer days – August

Looking for Toledo Ohio Lifestyle Photography? Cynthia is an on location lifestyle and storytelling photographer serving the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits and documentary photo sessions.   The 100 Summer Days project was such a fun one for me!...

Northwest Ohio Baby Photographer – Stories in Seven – First Bites

Looking for a Northwest Ohio Baby Photographer?  Cynthia is an on location lifestyle photographer serving the Toledo, Sylvania, Maumee, Holland, Perrysburg, Oregon and Northwest Ohio areas. She is available for maternity, newborn, baby, children and family portraits.  Interested in a session?  Contact her here. It’s time for a new story in seven!  I just love this...

Maumee Bay State Park – March Letter to My Daughter

 I am really glad I was asked to participate in this monthly blog circle that focuses on my daughter.  Each month I write a special letter to Myla and share some photos (of course!). Dear Myla, I am having a mini freak out about your 4th birthday.  It has snuck on me so fast!  I...

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find us on instagram @Cynthia_Dawson_Photography